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  1. 個人情報の取得、利用及び提供に関して
    • 適法、かつ、公正な手段によって個人情報を取得いたします。
    • 利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内で、個人情報を利用いたします。
    • 個人情報を第三者に提供する場合には、事前に本人の同意を取ります。
    • 取得した個人情報の目的外利用はいたしません。また、そのための措置を講じます。
    • 目的外利用の必要が生じた場合は新たな利用目的の再同意を得た上で利用いたします。
  2. 法令、国が定める指針その他の規範(以下、「法令等」という。)に関して
    • 個人情報を取り扱う事業に関連する法令等を常に把握することに努め、当社事業に従事する従業者(以下、「従業者」という)に周知し、遵守いたします。
  3. 個人情報の安全管理に関して
    • 個人情報への不正アクセス、個人情報の漏えい、滅失、又はき損などの様々なリスクを防止すべく、個人情報の安全管理のための迅速な是正措置を講じる体制を構築し維持いたします。
    • 点検を実施し、発見された違反や事故に対して、速やかにこれを是正するとともに、弱点に対する予防処置を実施いたします。
    • 安全に関する教育を、従業者に徹底いたします。
    • 当社は、その取り扱う個人情報のリスクに応じて、漏えい、滅失又はき損の防止その他の個人情報の安全管理のため以下の措置を実施いたします。
  4. 苦情・相談に関して
    • 個人情報の取扱いに関する苦情及び相談については、個人情報問合せ窓口を設け、迅速な対応が可能な体制を構築し、誠意をもって対応いたします。
  5. 継続的改善に関して
    • 当社の個人情報保護マネジメントシステムは、個人情報保護のため、内部規程遵守状況を監視及び監査し、違反、事件、事故及び弱点の発見に努め、経営者による見直しを実施いたします。これを管理策及び内部規程に反映し、個人情報保護マネジメントシステムの継続的改善に努めます。
    • 改善においては、法令等及びJIS Q 15001に準拠いたします。
  6. クッキーポリシー
    • 当社は、お客様へのサービス向上ならびに当社商品の広告配信および宣伝などの用途でクッキーを使用 しております。クッキーとは、ウェブページを利用したときに、インターネット閲覧ソフト(ブラウザ)とサーバーとの間で送受信した利用履歴や入力内容などを、お客様のコンピュータにファイルとして保存しておく仕組みです。お客様がブラウザの設定でクッキーの送受信を許可している場合、当社はお客様のコンピュータに保存されたクッキーを取得し、収集した行動履歴と個人情報を紐付ける場合があります。 また、当社は、当社が広告配信等を委託する第三者または当サイト以外のウェブページを経由し、お客様のコンピュータに保存されたクッキーを参照し、当社商品の広告配信および宣伝などを行うことがあります。
    • お客様は、ブラウザの設定により、クッキーの送受信に関する設定を「クッキーを許可する」「クッキーを拒否する」「クッキーを受信したら通知する」などから選択できます。なお、クッキーを拒否する設定を選択されますと、当社の提供する一部サービスを受けられない場合がございます。

制定日 2014年4月1日
最終改定日 2022年4月1日
代表取締役 柳田善弘

住所: 〒167-0052 東京都杉並区南荻窪4丁目29番10号 田丸ビル2階
TEL:03-5941-5119(平日10:00 ~ 17:00) FAX:03-3331-3660 (24時間受付)
<個人情報に関する責任者> 個人情報保護管理者 武田 和樹


個人情報の種別 利用目的
資料請求やお問い合わせを頂いた方の情報 お問い合わせへの対応、サービスに関するご案内
お取引先情報 お取引先との連絡、契約の履行、履行請求等
採用候補者・応募者の方に関する情報 採用選考、連絡
社員情報 人事、総務などの雇用管理
営業セミナー情報 営業セミナー実施、講演会実施(当社サービスのご案内メールマガジン配信のため)
展示会ご来場者、講演会参加者情報 営業セミナー実施、講演会実施(当社サービスのご案内メールマガジン配信のため)
取引先から委託されたデータ eラーニング・アンケート実施、集合研修実施
展示会主催企業から提供されたデータ 営業セミナー実施、講演会実施(当社サービスのご案内、メールマガジン配信のため)
顧客情報(仮名加工情報) 営業活動推進のため


基本方針の策定 当社Webサイトにて個人情報保護方針を公表しております
規律の整備 取得、利用、提供、廃棄といった段階ごとに、取扱方法や担当者及びその任務等について規定を策定し、定期的に見直しを実施しております
組織的安全管理措置 定期的な自己点検、内部監査、外部監査を実施しております
人的安全管理措置 従業者から秘密保持に関する誓約を取得、および、従業者への定期的な教育を実施しております
物理的安全管理措置 個人情報を取り扱う区域の管理、機器及び電子媒体の盗難等の防止等を実施しております
技術的安全管理措置 外部からの不正アクセスから保護する仕組みを導入しております
外的環境の把握 個人情報等についてクラウドサービスを利用して保管しております。



  1. 開示等の請求の申出先
    >>個人情報開示等請求書のダウンロード [PDF]
  2. 開示等の請求における提出書面
  3. ご本人様確認
  4. 代理人様による開示等のご請求

    1. 代理人本人であることを確認するための書類(コピー)
    2. 委任状(ご本人により委任状に捺印し、その印鑑の印鑑登録証明書を添付してください。代理人が親権者などの法定代理人のときは、委任状に代えて、ご本人との関係がわかる書類をご提出いただくことも可能です。)
  5. 開示、利用目的の通知のご請求に関する手数料
  6. 開示等のご請求に対する回答方法
  7. 認定個人情報保護団体の名称及び苦情の解決の申し出先
    一般財団法人日本情報経済社会推進協会(JIPDEC) 個人情報保護苦情相談室
    〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木1-9-9 六本木ファーストビル12F TEL:0120-700-779

制定日 2014年4月1日
最終改定日 2022年10月4日



住所: 〒167-0052 東京都杉並区南荻窪4丁目29番10号 田丸ビル2階
TEL:03-5941-5119(平日10:00 ~ 17:00) FAX:03-3331-3660 (24時間受付)

個人情報保護管理者 武田 和樹




個人情報の種別  利用目的
お問い合わせされた方 お問い合わせに対する回答、メールマガジン配信・当社サービスのご案内を行うため
資料請求をされた方 資料請求に対する発送、メールマガジン配信・当社サービスのご案内を行うため
体験版を申し込まれた方  体験版サービスを提供するため
メールマガジンを希望された方 メールマガジン配信・当社サービスのご案内を行うため
その他依頼された方  依頼された内容にお応えするため










住所: 〒167-0052 東京都杉並区南荻窪4丁目29番10号 田丸ビル2階
TEL:03-5941-5119(平日10:00 ~ 17:00) FAX:03-3331-3660 (24時間受付)

個人情報保護管理者 武田 和樹

■A Note on Translations
This document was originally prepared in Japanese.
In the event of any inconsistency between the Japanese language versions and the translations into any other language, the Japanese language version shall prevail.

Privacy Policy [Personal Information Protection Policy]

Idea of the Protection of Personal Information

Edutainment Planet Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) engages in business activities placing training planning and development of educational materials as the core of business. Personal information which the Company obtains from customers through the business activities as well as personal information, including specific personal information of the Company’s employees, (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”) is important information for the Company and thus, we recognize that ensuring the protection of such Personal Information is an important social responsibility of the Company.

Accordingly, the Company will handle Personal Information obtained through its business activities in accordance with the policy stated below so as to offer sense of “security” to customers and the Company’s employees and fulfill social responsibility in regard to the protection of personal information.


  1. Regarding acquisition, utilization and provision of Personal Information
    • The Company will acquire Personal Information by lawful and fair means.
    • The Company will utilize Personal Information within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of utilization.
    • The Company will obtain the consent of the principal in advance when it provides Personal Information to a third party.
    • The Company will not utilize Personal Information it obtains other than for intended utilization. Furthermore, it will take measures therefor.
    • If the need for unintended utilization arises, the Company will utilize Personal Information after obtaining the consent again for such new purpose of utilization.
  2. Regarding laws and regulations, guidelines stipulated by the state government and any other norms (hereinafter referred to as “Laws and Regulations, etc.”)
    The Company will endeavor to comprehend Laws and Regulations, etc. related to the businesses handling Personal Information and comply with them at all times while disseminating this to employees who are engaged in the Company’s business (hereinafter referred to as the “Employees”).
  3. Regarding security control of Personal Information
    • In order to prevent various risks, including but not limited to, unauthorized access to Personal Information, leakage, loss or damage of Personal Information, the Company will establish and maintain a system to take prompt remedial measures for security control of Personal Information.
    • The Company will conduct an inspection and promptly correct any violation or accident discovered and furthermore, implement preventive measures against weakness.
    • The Company will ensure thorough education concerning security to the Employees.
  4. Regarding complaints and consultation
    As for complaints and consultation in relation to the handling of Personal Information, the Company has an inquiry counter for Personal Information in place, establishes a system enabling a prompt response to faithfully deal with the matters.
  5. Regarding continuous improvements
    • The personal information protection management system of the Company monitors and supervises the status of compliance with the internal rules for the protection of Personal Information and strives to detect violation, incidents, accidents or weakness, and the system will be reviewed by the management. By reflecting the foregoing in the management policy and internal rules, the Company seeks for continuous improvements of the personal information protection management system.
    • For the improvements, the Company shall comply with Laws and Regulations, etc. as well as JIS Q 15001.

Established on April 1, 2014
Revised on December 9, 2016
Edutainment Planet Co. Ltd.
Representative Director, Yoshihiro Yanagida

Regarding the handling of Personal Information

The Company discloses the following contents to the public in accordance with JISQ15001: 2017 Requirements and

Purpose of utilization where it acquires directly from the principal by means other than in writing

Type of Personal Information Purpose of utilization Disclosure classification
Data entrusted by business partners e-learning, implementation of questionnaire, offering of group training Not disclosed
Data provided by an enterprise organizing an event Conducting of a business seminar, conducing of a lecture presentation (for announcement of the Company’s services and distribution of e-mail newsletter) Disclosed

Purpose of utilization of Personal Information subject to disclosure

Type of Personal Information Purpose of utilization
Information of a person who made materials request or an inquiry Response to the inquiry, announcement concerning services
Business partner’s information Contacting the business partner, performance of contracts, performance request, etc.
Information related to recruitment candidates and/or applicants Recruitment selection, contact
Employees’ information Employment management such as personnel affairs and general affairs
Business seminar information Conducting of a business seminar, conducing of a lecture presentation (for announcement of the Company’s services and distribution of e-mail newsletter)
Information of visitors to an event or participants in a lecture presentation Conducting of a business seminar, conducing of a lecture presentation (for announcement of the Company’s services and distribution of e-mail newsletter)

Procedures for request for disclosure, etc.

tents, discontinue the utilization, erase, or discontinue the provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as “Request for Disclosure, etc.”) in relation to Personal Information subject to disclosure, which is in the possession of the Company.

  1. Where to request for disclosure, etc.
    As for a request for disclosure, etc., please send by mail the Request Form for Personal Information Disclosure, etc. attaching necessary documents thereto. Also, please note that when mailing the Request Form to the Company, use such methods as delivery recording mail or simplified registered mail that can confirm the delivery record.
    We would appreciate, if you could write “Personal Information Request Form Enclosed” on the envelope in red.>>Download of Request Form for Personal Information Disclosure, etc. [PDF]
  2. Document to be submitted at request for disclosure, etc.
    When you request for disclosure, etc., please send the Request Form for Personal Information Disclosure, etc. by mail after filling out all the prescribed matters.
  3. Identity verification
    The Company verifies by phone for identification of a person who requests for disclosure, etc. However, if verification by phone is not feasible, the Company may ask the principal to present a copy of a driver’s license, resident card or health insurance certificate.
  4. Request for disclosure, etc. by agent
    If you delegate a request for disclosure, etc. to the agent, please enclose the following documents in addition to the Request Form for Personal Information Disclosure, etc.:
    (1) Document to confirm that the requester is an agent himself/herself (copy)
    Any one (1) of; a copy of driver’s license, a copy of resident card, or insurance card of health insurance certificate
    *As for the copy, please prepare one which blacks out the permanent domicile
    (2) Letter of attorney (the principal shall affix a seal to a letter of attorney and attach a certificate of seal registration thereof. If the agent is a legal representative, such as a person with parental authority, he/she may submit a document clarifying a relationship with the principal in lieu of a letter of attorney.)
  5. Fees relating to request for disclosure and notification of purpose of utilization
    If you request disclosure and notification of the purpose of utilization, we charge a fee of 500 yen (inclusive of tax) per request.
    Please enclose 500-yen worth of postal fixed amount money order in the documents to be submitted.
    A fee for purchasing a postal fixed amount money order and postage charge shall be borne by a customer.
    Please note that if the fee is insufficient or if a fee is not enclosed, we cannot accept disclosure or notification of the purpose of utilization.
  6. Method for replying to request for disclosure, etc.
    We will reply in writing to the address stated on the Request Form of the requester.
  7. Name of an accredited personal information protection organization and where to propose resolution for complaints
    Japan Information Processing & Development Center (JIPDEC), Personal Information Protection Complaints Counter
    Roppongi First Bldg. 12F, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 TEL: 0120-700-779
    * Please note that the foregoing counter is not designed for inquiries of the Company’s products or services.
    * We would like you to firstly submit a complaint to the Company, if you determine that the management of Personal Information by the Company is not appropriate; and then, if you cannot be satisfied with the response given by the Company, you may file a complaint to the above-mentioned “accredited personal information protection organization”.
  8. Cookie Policy
    The Company uses cookies for the purpose of improvement of services to customers, distribution of ads and advertising of the Company’s products.
    Cookie refers to a mechanism that stores in a customer’s computer when using web pages, a usage history or input content sent/received between the Internet browsing software (browser) and the server.
    If the customer permits sending/receiving of cookies in his/her browser setting, the Company may acquire cookies stored in the customer’s computer and link the collected action history with Personal Information.
    In addition, the Company may, in some cases, refer to cookies stored in the customer’s computer via a third party to whom the Company entrusts ads distribution, etc. or via web page other than the Site to conduct ads distribution and advertising of the Company’s products.
    Customers can select the setting concerning sending/receiving of cookies by browser setting, such as “allow cookies”, “block cookies” or “notify when receives cookies”.
    If a customer selects setting of blocking cookies, he/she may not receive a part of the services the Company offers.

If you have any complaint, consultation or the like, please contact with the following counter.

Personal Information Inquiry Counter

Edutainment Planet Co. Ltd.
Address: Tamaru Bldg. 2F, 4-29-10 Minamiogikubo, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167-0052
TEL: 03-5941-5119 (weekdays 10:00 – 17:00) FAX: 03-3331-3660 (24 hours reception)

<Person responsible for Personal Information>
Personal Information Protection Manager, Kazuki Takeda

Letter of Consent for the Handling of Personal Information

The Company will keep Personal Information of customers, for which, it stipulates as follows with respect to the handling of Personal Information it receives and makes its best for the protection of Personal Information.

Purpose of utilization

Edutainment Planet Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) engages in business activities placing training planning and development of educational materials as the core of business. Personal information which the Company obtains from customers through the business activities as well as personal information, including specific personal information of the Company’s employees, (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”) is important information for the Company and thus, we recognize that ensuring the protection of such Personal Information is an important social responsibility of the Company.

Accordingly, the Company will handle Personal Information obtained through its business activities in accordance with the policy stated below so as to offer sense of “security” to customers and the Company’s employees and fulfill social responsibility in regard to the protection of personal information.


Subject person Purpose of utilization
Those who make inquiries To answer to inquiries
Those who request for materials To dispatch requested materials
Those who apply for trial version To offer trial version service
Those who desire for e-mail newsletter To distribute e-mail newsletter
Any other persons who make requests To respond to the contents so requested


Provision to third parties

The Company never provides Personal Information of a customer to any third parties without obtaining the consent of the relevant principal, unless otherwise stipulated by laws.

Entrustment of the handling business of Personal Information

For business operation, the Company entrusts external entities with the handling business in part for the purpose of offering better services to customers, under which the Company may deposit Personal Information of customers with such trustees. In such cases, the Company selects trustees who are deemed to have been properly handling Personal Information. Furthermore, by arranging matters necessary for the prevention of leakage of Personal Information of customers through the provisions of the proper management and confidentiality in an agreement and contract, etc. and causes the trustees to implement the proper management.

Voluntariness of submission of Personal Information

Submission of Personal Information to the Company leaves to a customer’s option. However, please agree in advance that if the customer does not submit Personal Information, reply or service from the Company will not be available in some cases.

Regarding request for disclosure of Personal Information

Customers have the right to demand notification of the purpose of utilization, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, and the right to refuse utilization or provision of their Personal Information. For detail, please contact with the following counter or check “Regarding the Handling of Personal Information”.

Personal Information Inquiry Counter

Edutainment Planet Co. Ltd.
Address: Tamaru Bldg. 2F, 4-29-10 Minamiogikubo, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167-0052
TEL: 03-5941-5119 (weekdays 10:00 – 17:00) FAX: 03-3331-3660 (24 hours reception)

<Person responsible for Personal Information>

Personal Information Protection Manager, Kazuki Takeda